The Green Xchange is a two-sided approach where low-income earners could benefit as well as incorporating the ‘Go Green’ theme. The crux of the project is that the members of the community are encouraged to collect recyclable materials and exchange them with basic commodities (i.e. Beras Wangi).   It is hoped that this could inculcate the habit of recycling among Bruneians as well as those with low incomes to have an extra source of sustenance.

To date, SCOT have managed to successfully organize SIX Green Xchange events covering over fifteen different villages across Kampong Ayer; collected more than thirty (30) tonnes of recyclable materials from the villagers; educated over five-thousand (5,000) households on the concept of “that not all trash are necessarily worthless”; and engaged over 600 volunteers ranging from both professionals and students to the general public on the creativity of waste management through the Green Xchange Project.

Through this project, residents of a village were given the exchange rate of $1.00 worth of recycling items, SCOT will exchange it with 1.5kgs of rice.


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