‘Youth Against Poverty Workshop’ (YAP) is a community outreach training programme initiated by SCOT aimed at young leaders in stimulating interest and knowledge around the issue of poverty in Brunei Darussalam. Following the success of its pilot project in 2016, YAP continues this year with its theme of ‘Breaking the Cycle’, which puts the focus on training young leaders through the exposure of issues, critical-thinking and an opportunity to explore their solutions through project implementation.
Throughout the programme, it is hoped that participants can critically assess the poverty-related issues faced by the country and to develop sustainable solutions guided by the credible mentors in addressing the issues. With a diverse range of stakeholders involved ranging from academies to community leaders, this workshop will be an excellent platform in enabling actions and efforts in empowering the underprivileged families and promoting sustainable means of living at a community-level. Upon completion, participants are expected to organise follow-up projects with the support from SCOT, relevant authorities and other established institutions.
-Must be at the age of 18 to 27 years old
-Has demonstrated strong leadership skills
-Passionate in making a difference at community-level
-Have a sense of idea of what sort of project to execute
-Ability to pay Registration Fee of $25 per person
DEADLINE: Tuesday, 10th October 2017 at 10 pm
*Payments to be made to SCOT BIBD Bank Account. : 00-015-01-0024987 and kindly screenshot your payment to any of the contact person below
For more details, kindly contact our participant coordinators at scot.youthagainstpoverty@gmail.com or through Whatsapp:
Raihana: +673 899 0894
Amal: +673 711 1001
Engage with us at:
Facebook: Society for Community Outreach & Training
Instagram: @scot_brunei
Email: scot.youthagainstpoverty@gmail.com
Website: www.fightpovertywithus.org